Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Status Update: Wednesday August 28, 2013

The Phoenix Project
Status Update: Wednesday August 28, 2013

Greetings citizens, minions, and sidekicks.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am DC "Terwyn" James, the business and marketing manager for Missing Worlds Media, and I'd like to take a few minutes to briefly talk about something very important. I recognize that there have been calls for information from the business side, so after careful discussion, I have decided to take the initiative and talk a little bit about what you can expect from us as a company.

First off, we fully recognize that any on-line space of sufficient size and complexity necessarily brings with it the potential for a vibrant community, and that MMOs are no different. We understand that an MMO is as much a product as it is a service, so it is in light of this hybrid state that we have begun looking at particular ways to handle marketing and promotional material well in advance of our planned Kickstarter.

As such, I'd like to make it clear that while we will continue to do weekly updates, every so often we might have something extra. This might be the opportunity to join a Q&A session with some of our developers, or a chance to [Redacted]. You may also see one or two [Classified]. Obviously, we can't give out all of the details *just* yet, especially since the Kickstarter is only twelve days away, but rest assured that we'll do our best to keep you informed of what goes on behind the curtain, even if it is just a group of tired people.

At the moment, I think what most people are wondering is whether or not we will be using some form of a subscription model, so I will happily answer that question. While the finer details are in the process of being worked out, you'll be able to choose from a variety of subscription options, so that every player will be able to get what they most want out of their game. We will be providing more information in the coming weeks, so keep a sharp eye on the skies.

The Phoenix Project Status Update: Wednesday August 28, 2013

The Phoenix Project 
Status Update: Wednesday August 28, 2013

Greetings citizens, minions, and sidekicks.

Allow me to introduce myself. I am DC "Terwyn" James, the business and marketing manager for Missing Worlds Media, and I'd like to take a few minutes to briefly talk about something very important. 

I recognize that there have been calls for information from the business side, so after careful discussion, I have decided to take the initiative and talk a little bit about what you can expect from us as a company.

First off, we fully recognize that any on-line space of sufficient size and complexity necessarily brings with it the potential for a vibrant community, and that MMOs are no different. 

We understand that an MMO is as much a product as it is a service, so it is in light of this hybrid state that we have begun looking at particular ways to handle marketing and promotional material well in advance of our planned Kickstarter. 

As such, I'd like to make it clear that while we will continue to do weekly updates, every so often we might have something extra. This might be the opportunity to join a Q&A session with some of our developers, or a chance to [Redacted]. You may also see one or two [Classified]. 

Obviously, we can't give out all of the details *just* yet, especially since the Kickstarter is only twelve days away, but rest assured that we'll do our best to keep you informed of what goes on behind the curtain, even if it is just a group of tired people.

At the moment, I think what most people are wondering is whether or not we will be using some form of a subscription model, so I will happily answer that question. 

While the finer details are in the process of being worked out, you'll be able to choose from a variety of subscription options, so that every player will be able to get what they most want out of their game. We will be providing more information in the coming weeks, so keep a sharp eye on the skies.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Phoenix Project Update, August 21, 2013

This week, both our Studio Manager and Game Tech Director have something to say....


Phoenix Project Update, August 21, 2013
By: Doctor Tyche, Game Tech Director

Well, this is it, three weeks to go until the Kickstarter begins. For those of you who have not visited our website, let us just say that it was put together in a hurry, without a terrible amount of foresight. For months we have been working on a new, game-centric website so as to split player-talk from developer-talk. This is to help give a clearer idea as to what we are doing.

Let's be honest, video game making is like making sausage - nobody likes seeing how its made, but its damned tasty when over. A lot of dull talk, small areas at a time, which need context which is sorely lacking to be of any use to someone not in the middle of it.

So, without further ado, let us meet The Phoenix Project's own, for-players website:

Now, the first question anyone will ask is: Is City of Titans the name of the game? No, we've not settled on a game name. It is, however, referring to the city in which we have based our game. We are still two years from public release, we are in no rush to pick a name.

We hope everyone will join us on our new forums and join in the discussion. Big things are around the corner, we are excited for what will be shown in 20 days.

- Doctor Tyche


Phoenix Project Update, August 21, 2013
By: planetJ (Wraith), Studio Manager

We are excited for our new game-centric website, and are looking forward to all of you joining us there.

State of things as they are currently is exciting on the game development front! We are moving forward at a very rapid pace as we approach the Kickstarter date, and we have some great things in store for you all!

I am excited to say that we are finalizing our schedule of perks for the Kickstarter as I write this, and should have that ready to be posted for a final review for all of you.

We are making great progress on all fronts. We have begun utilizing our QA group while our coders welcome on board a few new members. Art is moving along well and we are getting a lot of great assets out for the Kickstarter in great amounts. I cannot promise what we can show as we approach the Kickstarter, but there is material coming. Our writers continue to focus on their part of the Kickstarter and are getting a large pile of material for public release ready to go on to our new game-centric website.

We as a whole are approaching critical mass for the Kickstarter event, and I would like to thank the community as a whole for all the support you've given us. As we move toward the Kickstarter, we are going to be heavily engaged working toward completion of the things we need. I would like to see the community keep coming up with great ideas for us to review and keep having the great discussions that generate such wonderful ideas.

I would also like all of you to know we have a few special things we're working up for the Kickstarter event, and those will be revealed when the time is right. So keep your eyes peeled for more news as we get closer to the KS event.

- Wraith

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tech Status Update: Tuesday August 13, 2013

The Phoenix Project
Tech Status Update: Tuesday August 13, 2013
By: Doctor Tyche, Game Tech Director
Subj: Kickstarter 'Stretch Goals'

It has been a week since our last update, and what a week it has been. The first full election of company officers has been completed, and I, for one, welcome our new Quinn overlord, er, I mean company President. With Segev's transition to student now all but completed, stepping in to his shoes as Studio Director is Wraith, known to his family and friends as Jacob or PlanetJ.

Now that the business adjustment is completed, all steam ahead for the Kickstarter. One area people have been asking us about has been to find out our stretch goals. To understand them, you first need to understand our target.

Our initial target, the baseline, is for 12 zones, the first 30 levels, 5 archetypes, with 20 powersets, and the client running on Windows.

Stretch goals mean we can enable people to dedicate more time to the project, which in turn means more work done on the various areas. More levels, more powers, more archetypes at launch. We have mapped out a full range, over 40 zones, 50 levels, 18 archetypes, over 60 powersets, and to have our client running on Windows, MacOS X and Linux. Our plan is to have them in eventually, even if we only hit the minimum with Kickstarter. The stretch goals then become the factor in how much we will have at launch.

Some areas are easier than others, so for instance Mac support comes early on, while side switching comes late in the stretch goals. Side note, the late introduction of side-switching may sound odd until you grasp how we are aiming to do it. It is not a simple bipolar expression, where you either are, or are not, a hero or villain. Nor is it a circular wheel where you go from one to another around and around. It is far more subtle, far more expressive. If we were to do something simple, then it would take less time. But, is that what you really want, or do you want it to be more nuanced, to be better able to express the difference between a hero and villain? Your caped crusader hero is far difference from your redeemed netherworld demon, after all, and it is about time a game reflected that. The same with your super-powered corporate suit against the crazed French-speaking maniac bomber, the world reacts to each differently.

A lesson I learned a long time ago, promise only what you have a 90% chance of delivering. While we want to promise everything we have planned for day 1, the truth is we have to be realistic. 30 levels needs half of the content of 50 levels. 12 zones needs a fifth of the artwork and coding demands of 40. And so on. By taking this approach, we know we can deliver a game, and eventually add what we want. But with stretch goals met, we can bring more sooner, and that leaves it up in to your hands.

We at The Phoenix Project appreciate all of your support, and thank you.

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Phoenix Project
Status Update: Monday, August 12, 2013
By: planetJ, Studio Manager

Hello everyone,

While we have been reorganizing behind the scenes and shuffling people around, it's been a bit taxing on a great many people. Though, I honestly feel we are moving in a positive direction toward our goals, even more efficiently than before. Many of us are feeling a second wind from the energy being injected into the project with new people in new roles, these are genuinely exciting times...with exciting things yet to come.

I can honestly say, that the team working on this game is a group of talented, and motivated individuals who care a great deal about putting forth a product that is both a quality offering, and beautiful in it's own right. The things that have been overcome, and the progress made in the face of adversity are always a positive and uplifting thing to see as someone who is reviewing events of the day constantly.

I want the community to know what a wonderful group of people you have working on this project as we count down to the Kickstarter event. There will be some announcements in the next few weeks about Kickstarter news and events, as well as some great opportunities to speak to developers and ask questions directly. We are bringing back the popular feature "Ask a Dev" soon, so that any questions you all might have for the specific departments regarding the Kickstarter and other things can be answered by someone with first hand knowledge.

Additionally, I would also like you to know that we have been working on the Kickstarter reward programs and restructuring them just a bit. I think you will not only find things to be even better than before; I think you will be surprised by some of the things we included at some of the lesser tiers! We will also be posting the new version of the Kickstarter reward tiers in the near future as well to glean some feedback from you in the community. I am excited to see what each of you think about our newest strategy!

As someone who spent time with many in City of Heroes, I wanted to touch on the fact that we are not just producing a spiritual successor here. We are breathing life into a bold new world, that I know many of you are waiting patiently to explore. You will get to see new faces, new stories and lore, and a wonderful new look; all while maintaining a familiar feel. I am confident that we will be moving forward with a top notch game for all of us to enjoy.

I appreciate your support as a community, and every voice counts! The feedback we get from the forums spawns some fantastic discussions, and new ideas that lead to wonderful systems being implemented. I would eventually like for everyone from the old community to have a voice here, and talk with us about what you would like to see in our game. I would ask those of you out there reading, to let your old super group members, and friends who played with you, know that they are important to us too! We want this to be a home for everyone who was left out of place by the closure...we hope you enjoy the exciting new things coming out with the Kickstarter event as much as we enjoyed putting them together!

Lastly, but not least...we will be migrating to a new website in the near future. We will be bringing all of you with us to new forums as we prepare for the Kickstarter event, so expect an announcement about the migration in the next state of the game conversation.

I cannot wait to share my thoughts with you again soon!



Sunday, August 4, 2013

Phoenix Project Update: Sunday, August 4, 2013

Phoenix Project Update: Sunday, August 4, 2013
Doctor Tyche

Greetings and Salutations

My apologies for the delays in missing last weeks update, so we are merging two weeks update into one. Yes, it is I, Doctor Tyche, once again joining you for this update. Now, most people are expecting some topic related to the Kickstarter, and this is such an update, but not in the manner expected. This week the focus is on Missing Worlds Media itself.

When we began Missing Worlds Media, the company itself, the goal was to protect the hard work from The Phoenix Project. However, the original company was a simple partnership set up as a Missouri DBA, consisting of five people, myself, Segev, Sithrose, AvelWorldCreator and Terwyn. This made us very uncomfortable, especially as time went on and more and more work was done. In effect, people were laboring away for the benefit of this small group, from a legal angle, so we eventually formed a corporation out of Missouri, tied to our original partnership. But the corporate laws in MO still gave us issues, we could expand the group, but it would still remain a small group and not inclusive as we wished. At the beginning of July, we made the decision to fix that.

Starting last week, Missing Worlds Media has been operating under a new corporation, this time in Washington State. To avoid double taxation, we let our Missouri corporation lapse, and used the original partnership paperwork as a bridge to transition to the Washington corporation. WA's laws regarding shareholders allows us to do what we've wanted to for a long time - to have Missing Worlds Media be an employee-owned company.

We have been preparing for this transition for awhile. Quinn recently took on the role of Lead Developer, bringing her organizational skills to bear. Once this was done and established, as of Monday the MWM director positions were retired and we were repositioned. Segev is reducing his involvement with MWM in order to pursue a masters degree in Science Management, a process which will take two years and occupy huge amounts of his time. This weekend, under the new corporate structure, the current volunteers as of last Friday, those who have sunk months into working on The Phoenix Project, will be voting into place the new company transition President, who will be then leading the structural changes needed to position us as a fully employee-owned-company.

This is a particularly stress-filled period for us, one where it is, sadly, easy to jump to conclusions when presented with partial data. We had to already deal with one incident where someone saw that we had let the Missouri corporation lapse and without knowing of the original partnership nor the reincorporation paperwork, jumped to the worst possible solution. That is partially why this update involving our business, instead of our game.

Until we did this, it was, at least for me personally, uncomfortable. All of these people sinking their hearts in to the game, which would only benefit five people in the end while operating under the existing business structure, it was not right. We made an error in our initial corporate setup by failing to check the laws of Missouri first all those months ago, and now we have fixed that mistake. We came out of the community, and exist for the community. And now it is being legally bound to those able and willing to put their heart and souls into bringing this to the community.

We began this grand adventure because we lost our home of so many years. Now we have the last piece of the legal structure being put down, ready in time for the Kickstarter.

Missing Worlds Media, Inc, building better worlds for you, together.