Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fanterview: Joshua

Joshua aka Flow-

Name or your preferred online alias
Name: Joshua
Online Alias: Flow-

Which country (or Country/State) do you hail from?
Canada eh? :)

What do you for work in real life?
At the moment i am in school and unemployed.

What is your favorite food?That is probably the hardest question i’ve had to answer in a while :)
Either popcorn or steak.

Favorite movies/tv shows/books?
I am typically a fan of anything that blasts your mind or contorts it in weird ways, like Inception.

Or Ironman…. because it’s Ironman :D

How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
Back when CoH was up i was talking with someone who was supposedly on the Plan Z team. In about March i remembered that Titan Icon was not the only project out there, so i logged onto my Titan forums account and looked up ‘Plan Z’. I have kept a close eye and tried to participate in any way that i can ever since :)

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
I have a few reasons:
1) I am an 8 year veteran of City Of Heroes (Keep in mind i am 16, so CoH was about half of my life). I have played 11 MMOs since shutdown and nothing fills that void, it would be nice to feel home again. The superhero genre niche needs to be filled, and i think that MWM is the perfect one to do it. So much…. Love, you can just feel it.

2) If there is something that Social Studies has taught me, it is that history repeats itself. I just finished with learning about the French Revolution. In many ways i see MWM as the spark to a revolution in gaming. City of Titans is the first MMO i have ever heard of that is being developed by not only a company without a publisher, but also with volunteers.

I think that when CoT comes out that there will be very solid evidence demonstrating that you don’t need a big corporation to push you around to make something great. It only takes a push to get the ball rolling, and judging by the press, you guys have pushed pretty hard :).
3) I find there is always a sign of care with anything that has heart and soul put into it. When something like a videogame has real passion pushing it forward, you can feel it almost holding itself together. I’m not too sure how to explain it, but when i play a game like the new Star Wars MMO, i just get this vibe of…. greed. Like they used the IP of Star Wars to farm cash from its fanbase (To any players, think about the event that happened at the end of the Foundry Flashpoint on the Imperial side).

It sounds like I am bashing SW:TOR now :) No worries, i am a big Star Wars fan and have played SW:TOR to completion on about 4 different classes. But throughout the game i couldn’t shake this feeling of a 100 million dollar time sink. The speeders for example, the flying low atmosphere starships with thousands of years of technology behind it. In the game it costs 340 000 credits for your T3 license and around 100 000 credits for the actual speeder bike. Crunching the numbers with a T3 license that improves your movement speed by 110%... that is about the speed of a bike, a regular, pedaled bike. Why not allow the player to move at 400% speed? Two words: Time sink.

With MWM, i can see the passion emanating from every orifice. On the forums i can see the devs participating in most posts and i can see there is careful consideration behind every decision, not just from a business standpoint but from a social standpoint. I just can’t help but feel this massive wave of respect for the amount of love that CoT is and probably will receive. That is the selling point for me. I can’t imagine a game breaking mechanic at launch simply because MWM has such a close relationship with it’s community. The fact that i, a regular 16 year old guy is being interviewed should be a testament to that.

What was your reaction to seeing the KS campaign explode in the first three days?
At the time when the Kickstarter hit its goal i remember just sitting here on my computer with a stupid smile on my face thinking, “Wow, this is actually happening.” After that i was just speechless and proud.

Where do you think the campaign is likely to finish at?
Hmm… i am kind of scared to guess :)

If i had to venture a guess though…. maybe 550 000?

Any specific tier from the KS you look forward to seeing reached?
I like auras :)

I know we’ve leaked very little so far about the game, City of Titans, but what are things you’d like to know about?
How customizable can the classes be? What exactly does being each class entail? Is there any slight overlap in roles? Stuff like that :)

What will be the first thing you do in Titan City when the game launches?
I would love to say do all of the story or make the perfect costume, but i would just be too excited to fight things, even in CoH i barely followed the story simply because i wanted to tell my robots to attack stuff. I will probably do the same thing i did at CoH’s shutdown, admire the city and street sweep for about 6 hours, perhaps badge hunt. :)

What feature are you most excited for in City of Titans?
The feeling of being a chess piece in a tactical game of gods.

Heroes or villains - which is more fun to play?
I like being the bad guy, the somewhat unstable martial artist that can enjoy his life the superpowered way.

In other words, rob banks! >=D

Have you witnessed any acts of heroism lately that have inspired you?
I was having some issues with physics homework the other day and so i asked the CoH community for help. 2-3 hours of help was given to me from people i had not only never met, but never even talked to. It was a very kind action and taught me a lot about what i was doing.

What is your favorite quote and why?
“Pride is like a shield. When it breaks, you’ll soon follow”

In the fight against Bacon and Chocolate who would win?
It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you eat the bacon.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fanterview: Megan


Name: Megan

Which country (or Country/State) do you hail from?
Oregon, USA

What do you for work in real life?
I’m currently a full time student and a part time author

What is your favorite food?
I would have to say Japanese yellow curry

Favorite movies/tv shows/books?
Ancient Aliens, Fringe, The Universe, anything science. I love fantasy and sci-fi books.

Any big events in your life this year you want to give a shout out about?
I began working on my second book series, The Hidden Keys.

How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
I’ve been following along with MWM since before the shutdown of CoX.

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
I believe that everyone should find a game that they enjoy and want to support. By taking part in the Kickstarter, players are able to know that they helped bring about the game, and not some giant company who will not care about anything aside from the bottom line.

What was your reaction to seeing the KS campaign explode in the first three days?
Lots of surprised blinking, followed by a “well, these ARE former CoX players, of course this would happen!”

Where do you think the campaign is likely to finish at?
*Does her best Dr. Evil impression* At one million dollars!

Any specific tier from the KS you look forward to seeing reached?
Wings and minions with guns.

I know we’ve leaked very little so far about the game, City of Titans, but what are things you’d like to know about?
I would like to know more about the classes, and I would also like to know more about the character creation process.

What will be the first thing you do in Titan City when the game launches?
Spend the next several hours in the costume creator.

What feature are you most excited for in City of Titans?

Heroes or villains - which is more fun to play?
I personally prefer villains, but I also enjoy playing the anti-hero.

What is your favorite quote and why?
I’d have to say anything said by Dr. Aeon is always good for a favourite quote. There’s just something about the evil genius that I love.

For an actual quote:
Fall seven times and stand up eight” -Japanese proverb

This has always been a life view for me. Even when playing games, no matter how many times I get smacked around, I keep getting back up to try again until I succeed.

In the fight against Bacon and Chocolate who would win?
Pineapple would win.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fanterview: Arclight Comics (Part One)

Follow Arclight Comics on Facebook:
Arclight Comics is represented in this Fanterview by Edward Williams

Well, hello there! First off, I’d like to thank you for being a supporter of Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and our first project, City of Titans!

How did you first become interested in comics?

I’m an 80’s baby, so I grew up in the 90s (best time to grow up, hands down!). My first exposure to comics (or superheroes rather) were the slew of animated television series back then: X-men, Batman, Spider-Man and so on. It was the X-men that really resonated with me though. Here were these people with great powers, but were feared and hated because they were different. That spoke volumes to me because I could relate to that. Plus I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life. That’s what really propelled me into becoming an artist, too. I colored and drew on everything after the premiere. From there on out I was hooked.

Any favorite characters in particular?
My favorite characters happened to be blue: Beast, Archangel, and Nightcrawler. Where characters such as Jean Grey and Ororo could blend in with society they could not. As an African American that really hit home for me at that age (6). I knew I was different and I knew some people treated me as such. No matter what I did, no amount of “good” would cover that up for some people. Hank was brilliant, but all people saw was his mutation. Kurt was a great man of faith (I’m a preacher’s kid, so I took to that), but the church demonized him. It was so important to me as a young boy to see how they overcame those prejudices and struggles. Even though they looked like monsters, the inside was what mattered. Hearts of gold. Warren might be hit or miss there. ;-)

You were pretty excited for the X-Men movies, then! Any of those stand out as your favorite (or least favorite?)
This might come as a shock, but I am not that big a fan of the X-films. Were some of them good? Yes. But as an avid reader and fan I did not like their transition from the source material to the big screen. After Wolverine Origins I pretty much threw in the towel with the X-films and have been in that vocal minority screaming, Give the rights back to Marvel! With the exception of Iron Man 2, Marvel has outdone themselves in film. Excelsior, as Stan would say.

Have any of the recent comic to movie translations really stood out to you then?
The Avengers. That wasn’t a movie---that was an EVENT! That was a year’s worth of expectation that exploded that Friday opening night. That was the first time I cosplayed, too. I was Hawkeye and my best friend was Cap. We took pictures with kids and everything. That had to be the pinnacle of geekdom that year.

I’ve never done cosplay - is it intimidating the first time?
It is at first. People are looking at you like you’re on fire or something, but then you kind of forget about what people have to think and get to the fun part of it. After a while we received compliments from people in the crowd. We also came across a few others that night. It was pretty epic.

I drive a SMART car, so people already stare at me like I’m on fire. Is this a different level of fire? Like - oh, hey - ‘Your shirt’s on fire’ or ‘ERMAGHERD-Your-House-Is-Burning-Down’ level of fire?
LOL! It’s more of like a bonfire. It catches your eye and it draws attention, but nothing of that level. Does that make sense?!

It does, thank you for clarifying that.

What was the first MMO you played? Since then, any favorites or ones you keep finding yourself returning to?

City of Heroes. I’ll never forget it. I read about it in Wizard magazine and immediately joined the pre-Beta forums. The community is what really kept me there. I’ve never experienced something like it in my life. I’ve only been able to come back to it----well, until they sunsetted the thing. I’ve tried Champions Online, DC Universe Online, and Marvel Universe Online. They just don’t compare. Marvel U Online is just----ugh, good Lord. Next question. Lol.

How did the shutdown of CoH hit you when you first heard it?
I was shocked like most. It didn’t make sense to me. Here was a great game creating revenue for the company and all of a sudden the plug gets pulled. No explanation whatsoever. It felt like a scandal. We needed Olivia Pope on this one. LOL!

What was one of the things you found different in the CoH community than any other online MMO community?There was something truly remarkable and inspiring about it. Here was this nucleus of high-octane, creative energy that built a universe bigger than the game itself. Characters came to life. They weren’t avatars built for end-game raids. They took on personalities, emotions, and had stories. No other community has been able to replicate this. Champions might come as a close second, but City of Heroes had the best. Have you seen the Virtueverse? The amount of creativity there alone is a testament to the community, and that’s from a single server.

Do you think it’s something to do with the genre of MMO - superheroes - that lends itself to have such a robust and involved community?
Yes. Superheroes are just special. They’re American mythology. They are the things we as children dream of being---and nothing stops us from believing we can be these people because as a child the imagination is infinite. But something happens to us as adults. We stop believing, stop imagining, and shut down. City of Heroes did something to fix that. For a brief moment in time, the children we once were could come out to play. The superheroes we imagined ourselves being became reality (as much as a 3D world would allow us to get). There were no limits, no rules----we were finally able to take to the skies and be that ideal we strived for as children. It was us reconnecting with our imaginations and childhood, and with a game that good, it let us get wild.

Come back next Friday for Part Two of our Fanterview with Arclight Comics where we talk about the how company was formed, the challenges of a start up comic book company, and City of Titans!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

City of Titans: Under Maintenance

Anyone attempting to log in to the City of Titans website might be receiving some error messages - this is due to our website being under maintenance. We expect it to be back up shortly.

Fanterview: Chris aka Hospy

Name or your preferred online alias
Christopher but my City of Heroes handle was Hospy (short for Ms. Hospitality, my Empathy/Rad Defender)

Which country (or Country/State) do you hail from?
I grew up in Florida, spent the last 20 years in Atlanta, Georgia, and I’m currently living in Manchester, England.

What do you for work in real life?
I’m a drama student at the University of Manchester, studying Drama and Screen Studies, and I work at a Staples part time to support my education fees.

What is your favorite food?
Butternut Squash soup is my favourite dinner-- usually with a tuna sandwich. It’s a dieting thing!

Favorite movies/tv shows/books?
Movies -- The Sixth Sense, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, The Shawshank Redemption, Vertigo, Star Wars IV - VI, Salem’s Lot (1979 miniseries)

T.V. Shows -- The Prisoner, Twin Peaks, LOST, Dexter, Superfriends, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and my current favourite, Agents of SHIELD
Books -- The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury, Ordinary People by Judith Guest, Time Enough For Love by Robert Heinlein, The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold, The Micronauts by Bill Mantlo, Changing Breeds: Mokolé by Jim Comer

Any big events in your life this year you want to give a shout out about?
Just working my second year of Uni-- nothing much to shout about unless I graduate.

How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
I am on a number of different Facebook pages dedicated to reminiscing about City of Heroes, and the main one has featured updates on the project for some time now.

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
Games are created, developed, marketed, and sold, in that order. So maybe you’ll convince some old friends from City of Heroes to come try a new game that’s been released, and maybe not. This is a chance to be a part of it forming, from people who understand our frustration with City of Heroes closing the way it did, and properly reward our loyalty and interest. It’s karmically good, to put faith and trust in this project, and watch your friends do the same-- for all the right reasons. The more I hear about the game and MWM’s direction for it, the more confident… well, to be honest, the more smug I feel about my pledge. I feel triumphant, and we’re two years off, still.

What was your reaction to seeing the KS campaign explode in the first three days?
That I was a part of that will always make me happy. I felt the same kinship with the other kickstarters that I felt with my supergroup (Marut’s The Earthguard, on Champion) when we pulled together to handle Hami raid trollings or zone events. I feel a part of a community that has only just begun to form.

Where do you think the campaign is likely to finish at?
I would guess in the neighborhood of $700,000. I hope it goes beyond and further. I just want it to grow and grow and grow.

Any specific tier from the KS you look forward to seeing reached?
Every one we get to is exciting, but I think if we can fund it beyond what the developers can dream up rewards for, I’ll be majorly happy.

I know we’ve leaked very little so far about the game, City of Titans, but what are things you’d like to know about?
I’d love to know how the concept of ninjas will be in the game. I’m desperate for tidbits on Supergroup bases and base raiding. And I can’t wait to see the Avatar Builder!

What will be the first thing you do in Titan City when the game launches?
I’ve already committed $50, but if I can make it $75 before launch, I would really love to have a flight power at launch. I went through a ‘Catfish’ style bereavement around the time City of Heroes first launched, and it was therapeutic and lovely to soar around the skyscrapers, out of harm’s way, once I reached level 14… I can’t wait to feel that again in an active game.

What feature are you most excited for in City of Titans?
At the moment, I am thrilled with the Alignment system, and can’t wait to see that come in to play.

Heroes or villains - which is more fun to play?
I can’t help it-- I prefer heroes. I have had my dark, evil villains, but I find something inspiring about taking the heroic stand.

Have you witnessed any acts of heroism lately that have inspired you?
I don’t want to bore you with politics, but in the U.S., we seem quite iconoclast and determined to interfere with each other’s lives and happiness at times. So Senator Wendy Davis is my current hero.

What is your favorite quote and why?
Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness. This is the judgment. Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?" -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
In the fight against Bacon and Chocolate who would win?
To quote Joey Tribbiani, ‘Put those hands together.’

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fanterview: The Grouchybeast

Name or your preferred online alias
The Grouchybeast

Which country (or Country/State) do you hail from?

What do you for work in real life?
Writer - sci fi.

What is your favorite food?
Crispy duck and pancakes.

Favorite movies/tv shows/books?
A random selection of some movies I never get tired of rewatching: Dangerous Liaisons, The Cooler, Tremors, Arsenic and Old Lace, The Damned United, Basic Instinct, Universal Soldier, Labyrinth, Emma, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, The Last Seduction, The Astronaut’s Wife, No Man’s Land, Sleepy Hollow, Grosse Point Blank, Tombstone, Withnail & I.

An even more random selection of TV: Luther, Lewis, CSI, Babylon 5, Rome, Blakes 7, Torchwood, Neverwhere, Yes Minister, The Wire, Drop The Dead Donkey, The Beiderbeck Affair.

Listing favourite books would take forever, but right now I’m rereading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and also reading The Cult Files by Chris Mikul.

How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
I’ve been following the efforts on Titan Network from the first time the idea of a spiritual successor to CoX was mooted. I’ve been hugely impressed by MWM’s sticking power - holding together a project made up of dozens of volunteers for a year is an achievement in itself, and it’s given me great confidence in backing the KS.

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
For one thing, this is what I think a Kickstarter should be, in essence -- people raising money for something that most likely wouldn’t be funded in any other way, or couldn’t be funded and still stay true to the vision of the creators. It’s a game by the players, for the players. For another, I want to play it, and I can’t pony up the whole $320,000 myself. :-) So get out there and contribute!

What was your reaction to seeing the KS campaign explode in the first three days?
I was very, very excited. I always hoped that the idea of City of Titans would have enough appeal, if the KS pitch was right, and I think MWM nailed it perfectly.

Any specific tier from the KS you look forward to seeing reached?
Personally, the $600,000 looks appealling. I don’t know what power sets are planned for launch, but more is good! Generally, I’d love the pet class stretch goal to be hit, so all the ex-Mastermind players can get their class at launch.

I know we’ve leaked very little so far about the game, City of Titans, but what are things you’d like to know about?
I’m looking forwards to hearing more about PVP. I don’t PVP much myself, but it can have a huge impact on the game play, and be a contentious subject. I’d also like to know more about the launch powersets...or, honestly, will there be fireballs? Because if there are no fireballs, I might have to rethink my pledge. (Kidding!) Ooh, and badges! I was a massive badge...lady of easy virtue in CoX, so I’d love to hear MWM’s plans for badging.

What will be the first thing you do in Titan City when the game launches?
Recreate my main, a fire blaster, and fly around the city. (Maybe with a tear or two in my eyes.) I’ll also go and take a look at ‘my’ skyscraper -- I’m hoping to be able to name it after my dad, who passed away a couple of years ago.

What feature are you most excited for in City of Titans?
The new alignment system sounds intriguing! I’m also looking forwards to the serverless environment, and hopefully being able to play with people who I knew from the old forums, but never teamed with.

Heroes or villains - which is more fun to play?
They can both be fun, but I tend to play more heroes, because I’m a softy at heart.

What is your favorite quote and why?
"Creating something is not a democracy. The people have no say. The artist does. It doesn't matter what the people witter on about: they and their response come after. They're not there for the creation." (Russell T Davies)

To me, that encapsulates how writing (or any other kind of creative art) should be approached. The vision should be pure. Even though MWM, by its volunteer nature, has a lot of community involvement, I hope there’s an overall plan for the game, tone and content, that will hold it together and make it a coherent and unique gaming experience.

In the fight against Bacon and Chocolate who would win?
If bacon and chocolate need taking down, I always win ;-)

Friday, October 18, 2013

Fanterview: Spencer

Name or your preferred online alias: Spencer

Which country (or Country/State) do you hail from?
Indiana, United States

What do you do for work in real life?
I’m a stay-at-home dad and aspiring author

What is your favorite food?
I am a bit of a foodie, so choosing just one would be impossible. I do love ethnic foods.

Favorite movies/tv shows/books?
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind/Avatar: The Last Airbender/1984 (George Orwell)

Any big events in your life this year you want to give a shout out about?
I moved from South Carolina to Indiana, my wife got a new job teaching at Notre Dame, and we purchased our first house!
How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
My sister (Rachael) has always been good at finding things out which interest me. She showed me MWM because she, my twin brother, and I used to play City of Heroes/Villains prodigiously. I’ve been following them ever since.

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
It is a unique MMO for several reasons. Unlike others, it is not owned by a mega corporation, but rather is the result of much volunteer work and fandom. As such, it has the fans in mind first and foremost. It also already has a good community, the lost community from CoX, which has always been a strong, supportive, mature group of people. This community really had no other place to call home, even though we have tried. Other games simply draw a very different crowd. We are heroes, we are villains, and we care about our fellow players’ gaming experiences.

What was your reaction to seeing the KS campaign explode in the first three days?
I did not realize City of Titans had gone to Kickstarter, as I had been too busy moving and going to conferences with my wife. When I discovered it, it was already the start of Day 3. And I was thrilled to see how swiftly it rose towards the goal. There was no question in my mind that it would reach the goal. The hope now, after seeing it slow down (which was predictable once it passed $320k), is that we pass the $450k mark so that Mac users can play the game when it comes out.

Where do you think the campaign is likely to finish at?
I suspect it will end around 500k.

Any specific tier from the KS you look forward to seeing reached?
As stated previously, I really just want the third stretch goal, a Mac client, to be achieved. Of course, any of those beyond it would be icing on the cake. Delicious, creamy icing.

I know we’ve leaked very little so far about the game, City of Titans, but what are things you’d like to know about?
I am actually concerned that the game will follow CoX too closely. I want CoT to be in the spirit of CoX, but still attract audiences on its own merit, stand its own against other MMOs. So, I want to know what the future plans are, how it intends to compete. I am a little worried about a real-money market, as well.

One of the things I loved most in CoX was the fact that I could be an altaholic. Will it be easy for me to make a dozen (or 4 dozen) characters, and get a different gameplay experience for each of them?

What will be the first thing you do in Titan City when the game launches?
I’ll probably start by getting straight to the storyline. Either that or checking out how to make my own content.

What feature are you most excited for in City of Titans?
User-generated content. As a writer, I adore coming up with plots. I very much hope that there will be a good way to advertise your UGC so that it doesn’t fall by the wayside when you aren’t there actively trying to get people to run it.

Heroes or villains - which is more fun to play?
That entirely depends on my mood. Though, I must admit, I hold a special place in my heart for my more dastardly alts. There’s nothing quite like going on a rampage in the city, destroying everything left and right and laughing at the lamentation of the women.

What is your favorite quote and why?
We are raised to honor all the wrong explorers and discoverers—thieves planting flags, murderers carrying crosses. Let us at last praise the colonizers of dreams.” - Peter S Beagle

I love this quote because it pays special attention to us dreamers and storytellers. We have too many poor role models in history and the modern world, people who are lionized for all the wrong reasons. Look at Christopher Columbus. He did NOT prove the world was round (not only did they know it was round, but finding a new continent proves nothing), he was NOT the first to discover the New World, and he was NOT a good man. He murdered, stole, plundered, raped, and turned people into slaves of the worst kind. Then we have men like C.S. Lewis who wrote about love, George Orwell who gave us all warning signs of what to watch for in society, Michael Crichton who showed us what dependence on technology can lead to, Ursula K Le Guinn who opened our imaginations, J.K. Rowling who inspires an entire generation. We need more people who teach us that it is better to do good things for others than to get what you want by stepping on others.

In the fight against Bacon and Chocolate who would win?
Although bacon tends to go with just about everything, and thus make everything better (a defender, perhaps?), Chocolate evokes feelings of love (a controller?). Plus, any religion that says chocolate is not allowed is doomed to fail.

Stretch Goal #3

Stretch Goal #3: MacOS at Launch
One word: elated

That's how we feel finally hitting this milestone: MacOs support. $450k. Floored. All of us. Floored.


DONE. You wanted it, you got it, you're getting it.
Again, thank you all so much, immensely.

Monday, October 14, 2013

KS Hits New Milestones!

Zombie Man here, your Online Community Manager with great news!

So, we've hit the Stretch Goal #2 after blowing by the first. This means that when we release the standalone module of the Avatar Creator, we'll be porting it to the Android and iOS platforms while we continue to produce the main game of City of Titans.

Now, as we approach Stretch Goal #3, a Mac OS version of the game at $450,000, we have passed the $425k milestone and the 3,000 Kickstarter Backers milestone.

A big thanks to all of you who made it possible!


Thank You! (#6)

Dale "Black Gold" Yaddow 2-D concept artist.

I cannot sufficiently tell you all how much my mind is blown by the outpouring of support from what is simply the very best community ever! It is just so inspiring to see how incredibly successful the kickstarter is thanks to all of you! You truly are TITANS!!!! I know that everyone here working on the project has been truly moved and motivated to bring this dream to life, not just for us, but for all of you, our community at large. Bare with us. It's going to be one helluva ride!


Ryan "TBK" Rieder, Gameplay

As we near the 3rd(!) stretch goal, I continue to be blown away at the awesome passion and drive this community has. This is truly a labor of love by this team, and you guys are helping us realize that goal beyond any of our wildest expectations. So thank you guys, for believing, and sticking with us, I can't wait to see what the next two years is going to bring!


Joel 'DeathSheepFromHell' Aelwyn — Assistant Art Director, Tech Team, and multi-purpose sheep

There is very little to compare to the sense of others believing in what you're trying to do strongly enough to trust you with even a fragment of their hopes and dreams. The gut-tightening sensation of knowing that no, really, you're now on the hook for those same things comes close. There are others who will probably say it better than I could ever manage, no matter how fancy, so instead I'll try to keep it simple:

Thank you.

For the trust, for the chance, and (in advance) for the support, patience, and assistance we're going to need over the next couple of years and more (hopefully lots more!)…
Thank you.


Tim "Copper Cockroach" Gallivan - 2D Art Lead

FACE FRONT, frantic ones! Huge thanks to all our supporters, and a special shout out to my fellow Virtue-oids looking for a new universe to call home. You guys are gonna need a lot of kooky costumes to wear, nutty gizmos to wave about, landmarks to lurk around, and outlandish opponents to clobber... and it's an honor to have a chance to help design them for you. If you don't mind, we'll take a few moments to celebrate, then it's back to work. I'll see you all in Titan City!

"We're the ship without a storm
The cold without the warm
Light inside the darkness that it needs, yeah

We're a laugh without a tear
The hope without the fear
We are coming...
Dio, The Last In Line


Billy Mailman, Tech Monkey

Ho. Lee. Crap. Seriously, I'm having difficulty coming up with words for this, because I honestly don't know if I believe it. To everyone who donated: You guys are amazing. To everyone who wanted to, but either can't, or hasn't yet: You guys are still amazing, too! Thank you all for believing in us, for supporting us, and especially thanks to all of you for being so amazing!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fanterview: Eric


Name or your preferred online alias: Eric
- online hero code: Major Mortal, Guns A Blazin’, Ally K Zam
- online villain code: Tall Dark and Scary, Master Workshop

What do you for work in real life?
I manage a business systems configuration team for a major energy company. We are involved in supporting our field devices, testing process and system improvement solutions, managing change, adhering to audit guidelines and communicating updates to stakeholders… (dang I need a raise!)

What is your favorite food?
Pizza… and meatloaf…. ooo pizza meatloaf… or meatloaf pizza.

Favorite movies?
for a long time it was Brokeback Mountain.
More recently, the Incredible Hulk and Captain America: the First Avenger

Any big events in your life this year you want to give a shout out about?
My parents recently celebrated their 50th anniversary, a good time was had by all.

Still mourning the loss of my fav online game.

… went to the zoo the other day?

What would boundaries do you think MWM can push with their first MMO project?
There are many ways to maintain the playability that we all enjoyed in COH, but with a modern spin, making the avatar creator available as an app on iphone and android would satisfy my innate alt-itis, I’d be able to work on my alt toons anytime or place, not just conceptualize them until I could get to the avatar creator.

There was a link to a kickstarter called Occulus something or other that a member posted, the concept would be brilliant, a truly immersive experience once the game has matured.

The key I believe is to maintain the spirit of the community, understand why we love the genre, and build on that.

The possibilities are only limited by our imagination.

What was your reaction to seeing the KS campaign explode in the first three days?
Mixed emotions, excited that the funding was becoming a reality, hesitant because a project like this is huge, concerned that NCSoft might take notice and pull a Galactus on the new world…. but mostly just really proud of our community for once again coming together.

Where do you think the campaign is likely to finish at?
hmm.. calls upon the mystic powers of Ally K Zam…. crystal balling it at about $700,000
(if she is wrong, its because she’s been out of practice for a year)

I know we’ve leaked very little so far about the game, City of Titans, but what are things you’d like to know about?
Big question…. game play, the landscape, power animations, mostly the lore.. I have yet to see an ingame model of one of the iconic NPCs, there has been some artwork, but I’d like to see the Statesman and LR of the new world. I’d love to see some online comic work focused on the lore background closer to launch. And I’d love to see more artwork!

Did you read Cube’s update about instanced content? If so, what do you think about the plans for an immersive environment experience? Link
Its all very exciting stuff, I enjoyed the interactive approach.. its like shooting an arrow at the dynamite that the trolls were moving around and doing damage to them in the process… with so many years of advancement in engine technology, it makes sense that this would be the next step.

Did you read the update on some of the first zones coming out? Link
I’m very excited for the zones (give me a dino zone and I’m yours! with dino mutant mobs, a dino AV and a weapon blinged GM T-Rex...sigh)

For me the key to becoming engaged with a new world and new mythology is choosing the correct names for the towns, the mobs, the NPCs, so far everything I have read feels right, like you have a team dedicated to the lore that feels as passionately about this genre as I do.

What will be the first thing you do in Titan City when the game launches?
likely spend a weekend creating characters and bases.. although if those are pre launched anyway.. I’ll be looking for my old team and getting the gang together for new missions.

What is it that attracts you to the Superhero genre?
Apart from the obvious.. spandex and capes… the whole concept of the Superhero genre is one of inclusion. You can introduce elements of fantasy, aliens, future tech, monsters, mythology… it really is endless. There is no realm that can’t be introduced into a Superhero universe. Other worlds can be very enjoyable also, but when you can play with the entire menu, why limit yourself? All of this being anchored by the heroes that you create to live your life through their amazing experiences.

What is your favorite super power and why?
There was at one time a universe called the Ultraverse, and within that universe there was a character called Hardcase.. typical superman type… interesting backstory… he had a love interest, a superhero called Choice…. she had the ability to choose any superpower she needed.. but only one power at a time.. that concept always fascinated me.. in many ways, COH was like that.. some of the powers seemed very random and unrelated giving some of my toons that ‘Choice-ish’ feeling. so in conclusion… Choice’s power of choice… is my choice.

What do you think defines a hero (or a villain?)
Thats a good question, I guess for me, understanding their motivation point. At what historical point does an individual make the choice to become a hero or villain… or to walk that fine line in between.

If you had them, do you think having super powers would be a blessing or a burden?
The closest analogy I can think of to answer this question.. if today, every single person in the world were given a million dollars.. what would happen? To some, it would make very little difference, to others it would vastly change their lives, either for the better or for worse. Many would choose to do evil with the money, many would do good, many would make selfish decisions, others wouldn’t know what to do with it and it would be gone in no time.

So to answer the question.. I’m not sure too many people would know what to do with their superpowers.. it would likely be a burden.. just watch ‘Chronicle’ for the closest and most true interpretation of how I think it would turn out.

Have you witnessed any acts of heroism lately that have inspired you?
I believe there are heroes all around us everyday doing the right thing for the right reasons. From the obvious cops and firemen, doctors and nurses, teachers and mentors. To witness them we only have to open up our eyes.

What is your favorite quote and why?
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent - Maya Angelou

If you are going through hell…. keep going…. - Winston Churchill

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for everything - Unknown

all of these quotes are about inner strength, its the way I live my life and partly why I am drawn to the superhero genre.

Fanterview: Capa Devans

Name: Capa Devans

What do you for work in real life?

What is your favorite food?
Jaflongi (dish from a great Indian restaurant in Coventry, UK; it has pineapple).

Favorite movies?
I could watch Star Trek 6: The Undiscovered Country time and time again. Plus the first bit of Generations with the ToS crew, not so much the latter part. Anything action/comedy is preferred for relaxation; preferably without a lot of violence. (My main in CoX was a Stalker and I preferred red-side, so I understand the irony!)

Any big events in your life this year you want to give a shout out about?
Getting thinner! Lost a stone already and still working on another one! Exercising more and getting stronger, leaner and looking better.

How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
From Titan Network as a spiritual successor to the beloved and missed City of Heroes/Villians.

What would boundaries do you think MWM can push with their first MMO project?
Freedom. Their backgrounds mean they will understand flexibility and customizability is key. Who wants to look like everyone else? Who wants to play the same character all the time? I believe they will show real creativity and allow players to make very distinct characters in costumes, powers and playstyles.

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
MMO’s miss two things: 
1) The freedom which I mentioned above and 2) a great community. 
If MWM provide 1) then we should be providing 2). By supporting KS we do what CoX players have always done and that’s pull together. Sometimes we pulled together to get through a Task Force or mission we have no right to expect to finish but do. Sometimes we pulled together to raise money for Real World Heroes; a charity supporting children and service men/women. Sometimes we pulled together to support each other in sad/hard times. No other community is like it, by supporting KS you help support that community.

What is it that attracts you to the Superhero genre?
Nothing to be honest. I avoided playing it for months because I wasn’t interested in comics or anything like that. I couldn’t stand Superman and three attempts at watching Spiderman had me giving up in under five minutes.

But the flexibility of the game … that’s it for me. What can we do? What powers can we build to be truly unique? How can we use ‘odd’ power combinations to be effective? What else can I do in game?

What is your favorite super power and why?
Invisibility. I LOVED assassination strike.

What do you think defines a hero (or a villain?)
The player. How good or how bad is defined by their goals.

If you had them, do you think having super powers would be a blessing or a burden?
A burden. I couldn’t sit by and leave people, I’d have to use them. I’d want to solve the problems of the whole world and while the idealist of me says “good”, the realist says “one person can’t do it all”. Now if I had a supergroup …

Have you witnessed any acts of heroism lately that have inspired you?
My other half stepping in front of someone who wanted to do me harm. Not a big guy but really appreciated. On a wider note, when you watch people coming back from wars, or stepping in to try and prevent harm coming to others … that’s inspiring.
What kind of content engages you in video games?
Flexibility. Sometimes I don’t want to play content, but if there’s the opportunity to do something else (design a base or a costume) that has me engaged. I loath grinding.

How do you like stories to progress in a game (i.e. cutscenes, battles, mission text, etc.) and why?
I prefer mission text. I can read it at my own pace. Cutscenes can hold up the action and it’s easy to be distracted by the voice acting (save us from faux accents). I love it when the mission text can be read by everyone and not just the mission leader. Much better for the whole team to keep up with the story that way.

What sort of missions in games do you enjoy the most?
Clear parameters. I’m not a puzzle person. I like to go to my mission door (which is much more preferable to open worlds), identify the objective and kill everything on the way. Speeding through doesn’t appeal.

What is your favorite quote and why?
"Strive to be happy”. It’s the last line of “Desiderata”. Because it’s not a bad philosophy; in fact the whole poem is not a bad philosophy. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Thank You! (#5)


Y'all are awesome!

Thank you so much! *earhugs to all who want them*

__/^-^\__ *Miya!*


Carlos "Marcianit" del Campo 3D Artist

Lot of thanks, much thx to everyone helping with the kickstarter, asking or writing about him :) its incredible how the community in some type of form is... coming back, and its coming back with a dream.

And we have the same, so... Lets do it!! for you, for us, for everyone!

Thanks from all my heart.


Eric "Beamrider" Pawtowski - Composition writer
This is just overwhelming. Experience with fan communities has shown me that they can be generous, supportive, and hard working. This shows even more proof of that.

After getting all of this support from all of you, we can't afford to fail.



Thank you all:

You are super


"I die I come back, its what i do"


Stephanie "Conundrum of Furballs" Smith, Staff Writer

I had been hoping that we would be able to reach our goal, and fully prepared to miss it, probably by just a few dollars in the last few minutes.
I was pleasantly surprised to see how well we were doing all weekend long.
I was utterly astounded at how quickly the "Monday Morning Blues" were blown away. Before my first class was over at 10:15am, we were within $20K of our goal. I was hoping we'd reach it by close of business.
In the middle of my second class of the day, we didn't just meet our goal, but we blew right on past it! It was all I could do to not bounce right out of my chair in the middle of the lecture!
I am thrilled beyond words at how much you all support us (and I'm a writer!). We couldn't do it without you. I look forward to the upcoming years working on this project, and hope that we can make it the best MMO ever!

Thank you so very, very much! We will have our new home built as soon as super-humanly possible!

Fanterview: Rotten Luck

Name or your preferred online alias: Hunter aka Rotten Luck

What do you for work in real life?
At this time I’m unemployed a victim of layoffs.

What is your favorite food?
That would have to be Corn Beef, cabbage, and potatoes.

Favorite movies? 
Back to the future I,II,III the Original Star Wars trilogy (HON SHOT FIRST!)
Any big events in your life this year you want to give a shout out about?
My Nephew and his wife told us that she’s pregnant. So I figure the little one be old enough to teach how to play when City of Titans goes live.

How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
I was there at the beginning reading up on things on the Titans Forums and then later on Skype. So I was there even before there was a Missing Worlds Media.

What would boundaries do you think MWM can push with their first MMO project?
Player made content integration. Most of the player made content nowadays is tacked on systems even the AE system in CoH was an addition. This is getting more integrated into the newer games. With MWM idea of offering Players the same tools (though restricted in some areas) the split between DEV created content and Player content would be a very thin line. The Payoff is HUGE amount of things to do for us Players and well face it free development for the game.

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
We seen it before and sadly we see it again. Publishers placing demands on Studios that damage the quality of the game. Games are art but the mentality of Publishers is it’s a commodity. The high demand for franchises make it boring. Assassin’s Creed awesome idea but how many have they done? Last I heard 13 it franchise overload. It’s time to cut out the Meddling Middle man. The Studios are our supplier the gamer the customer. Kickstarter allows us to cut out the Publishers. They will always be there but hopefully with games like Star Citizen and City of Titans going it alone without Publishers they get the message they need to rethink things.

The Kickstarter finally launched! Yay! Were you excited to see it finally go up?
Yes, very! I had Kickstarter up every day watching the numbers rise.

What was your reaction to seeing the KS campaign explode in the first three days?
Syntax Error brain still recovering from Awesome overload.

Where do you think the campaign is likely to finish at? I’m thinking between 750,000 and a million.

I know we’ve leaked very little so far about the game, City of Titans, but what are things you’d like to know about?
I have many things I want to know, but I focus on things for the Community here. Key Features needed for our Community is a Proper Chat system and social hubs how are these going to be implemented? Will we be able to make our own channels? Will Free players have chat system gagged to limit gold farmer spam? Supergroup bases and Supergroup framework how do you plan on the system working? Can you make a Supergroup Solo and invite your Alts via Mail? Would you limited in a way to reduce SuperGroup Invite Spam?

Did you read Cube’s update about instanced content? If so, what do you think about the plans for an immersive environment experience? Link
Great ideas and allows for greater gameplay. A stealthy character could do things different then a Bashem Brute or a High powered Blaster. This increases gameplay and replay abilities. Die try again using different tactics. Always a good thing.

Did you read the update on some of the first zones coming out? Link
I have but that was a little disappointing for me. Could have been better written or even better display some concept art for the locations talked about in order to better give a greater overall idea of the zones.

What will be the first thing you do in Titan City when the game launches?
Beside scream in utter joy? I be playing with the new power systems rolling rerolling and rerolling for about a month before settling down and going for levels. I have a lot of Alts that need reconing!

What is it that attracts you to the Superhero genre?
This is a tough one to answer because it’s very personal. I have issues major biological problems that make it hard for me to socialize or even handle normal activities I will never be able to drive for example. As you can imagine this make life hard and school was even worst I might as well put a target on my back for the bullies and go to school pre-wedgied. I’m more of a Marvel fan then DC… thought One More Day ended my buying Spiderman. -_- then DC did that whole new 52. So I’m not into comics anymore. I’m getting off subject.. superheroes done right face many challenges and they don’t let those challenges keep them down. When you lived your early life learning that your special snowflake is slightly misshapened. Then a Superhero who’s blind, in a wheelchair (ORACLE was Awesome!) or the victim of trauma or discrimination has even greater meaning. If they can suffer and stand up taller than others then you can to.

What is your favorite super power and why?
There are many powers on the list, when it comes down to it. Only one power I still fantasise about. Telekinesis flying and being able to use anything around you with just a thought. By the way I’m not talking about a minor bending of a spoon level telekinesis I’m talking about major heavy duty lifting of cars, tanks, buildings level of power here!

What do you think defines a hero (or a villain?)
Both are part of the same coin the same motivation can lead to either roads. The line for me is when a Goal becomes more important than morals. A good example I read is a story about an apocalypse two different people does the same crime. Brake and entering to steal food. One guy kills the person he finds the other apologizes and asks to help safeguard the house for a meal. Or as Stan Lee once said Spiderman would have been a Villain if it wasn’t for Uncle Ben.

If you had them, do you think having super powers would be a blessing or a burden?
Being on the bad end of the gene pool I can’t help but think of having powers as a blessing. Even powers that seem a burden like being a Rock creature like the Thing. However it does depend on powers and how they are used. Wolverine I pitty massive healing factor yes but he feels the pain of whatever he suffers add to that he watched everyone he cared for grow old and die. The mental scars must be deep indeed.

Have you witnessed any acts of heroism lately that have inspired you?
Not personally but news stories I heard made me feel better about humanity. People willing to face a fire to save a cat. A teacher using herself as a shield to protect a child. How can you not hear that and think Hero.

What is your favorite quote and why?
It’s from Galaxy Quest “Never give up, Never Surrender.” There been times I wanted to give up and surrender but kept on going just to live a “normal” life.

Fanterview: Chad

The one, The Only, The Chad.

Name: Chad AKA Blood Pack

What do you for work in real life?
Port Security

What is your favorite food?
Seafood (Copper River Salmon)
Favorite movies?
Insidious Chapter 2 , Prometheus, Matrix, The Crow, Frequency, Happy Gilmore,

Any big events in your life this year you want to give a shout out about?
the 3 most notables are my 3 sons. one starting high school and already preparing for college

and another entering middle school and finally the other starting Lower elementary school. Being able to watch them grow and mature into fine young men is a awesome feeling as a parent.

How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
I came across Missing Worlds Media through our top notch Facebook community page Save City Of Heroes. ( just want to add I love all of the people in our COX community!)

What would boundaries do you think MWM can push with their first MMO project?
Its my belief that the sky's the limit at this point as far as MWM and pushing the limits. it is my hope that graphicly it will draw me in and immerse me into a whole new world that has the feel of COX But also give me the feel that I am home again. I’d like to to think that the missions / story lines would be more interactive. Kinda like a “smart” storyline / mission engine.

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
Support makes you feel like you have a part in the game development like a personal sense of pride, like when you release the game you get that feeling inside of being apart of something that’s special. and thats the way I look at supporting Missing Worlds i'm apart of something that has the potential to be very big down line. For the people by the people.

What is it that attracts you to the Superhero genre?
At first it was a let me try this I had never played this genre before. then you get to character creator and I was hooked. (COX). at that time I had never been immersed in a game it was log in run around and log off I just couldn't get into it. then this comes around and to know that I had the ability to be that person you could only dream about in game it was amazing.

then came the friends and community you meet and are apart of nothing like it!

What is your favorite super power and why?
Super Strength. I love destroying things lol

What do you think defines a hero (or a villain?)
A hero is one that goes to line but won't cross it no matter what. a Villain is the one that’s willing to cross that line.

If you had them, do you think having super powers would be a blessing or a burden?
My case a blessing since there are some things / people that just have to be “Foot Stomped”!

What kind of content engages you in video games?
I love the “smart” game one that modifies its directives or goals based on decisions or actions that I have taken. I love engagement not only in a mission settings but also zone / world setting. Nothing like flying through a zone looking down and seeing Council Fighting 5th Column, then being able to drop down and kill them all… 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Thank You! (#4)

David 'Forever Jester' Schopp, 2D Concept and UI Graphics

You know, the months leading u to the kickstarter there were butterflies in my stomach, I had so many I was burping butterflies! Then it launched, I saw it hit 30,000 dollars, still had butterflies, I laid down to go to sleep, fifteen minutes later it dawned upon me, on how awesome the quick and sudden response was!

I saw upright and lit with a brand new confidence and passion! Butterflies replaced with Burning, Flaming Pandas of conviction and duty! This is going to happen! All thanks to you!

It is such and honor and privilege to work on this all for you. All for the greatest community in gaming history, time to give you back a familiar stomping ground. But I cant forget about the new members to our wonderous community, I can guarantee, first handedly, you are in the best hands.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Heroes and Villians, lets get soaring.


Robin Strickland, Composition Lead

I'm amazed and astonished by all of this. I've always been cautiously optimistic about the project succeeding, but I never imagined it would succeed to such a mind-blowing extent. Really and truly, you guys are the best.

We're making a game for the best fans. We'll try to live up to the responsibility.


Dave "Pep Rally" Atkins 3d Artist

Wow. You guys rock so hard, you'd send Metallica to the easy listening station by comparison, and I'm talkin' the mid-80s version, not today's watered down one.

I almost couldn't believe how fast, and HARD you guys rallied to our cause, and I do mean OUR cause, but in truth, I'm not that surprised, I already knew the CoH Community was awesome, and this is just another example. I mean, if I'm in it, it has to be, right? Hey, stop snickering over in the corner!

I'm not sure if any of you remember me, but I mainly called Champion my home, although I had altitis like pretty much everyone who played CoH, and had toons on every server. This came in pretty handy when we started up the Tanker Tuesday Tour to spread the joys of all tanker teams to the masses. 8 years this event went on without stop on Champion, the Tour lasted 3 years reaching every server multiple times . 1000s of tanks, 100s of TFs completed.

I bring this up only because one of the proudest moments I had in game was when we completed the Statesman TF with an all tanker team(before Incarnates). Many scoffed at us saying it couldn't be done, they would say you're mad to make the attempt, why bother, you just don't have the damage, or buffs, Ghost Widow will PWN U!!!. That just makes me try harder. Yes, we did fail the first attempt, and then the second, but we learned, developed strategies, grew stronger, and then on that 3rd attempt... VICTORY! It was so sweet. That is the attitude we all must bring, what we all WILL bring to this endeavor.

There are only 2 ways we can fail, never trying, and quitting. We've already crossed off the first, and you guys just buffed us to the gills with AM, MA, FS, SB, and bubbles to take on the second. Although, SB makes me a little jittery.

2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - Who do we appreciate?!! You guys! You Guys! YAAAAAAAY!!


p.s. Sorry it's so long. They don't let us out of the art cave very often. heeeeeeelp uuuuuuuus. j/k


Chris "Clave Dark 5" Larason - Composition writer

I can't begin to describe how it feels seeing the ol' community returning to coalesce around us here at CoT. Top that with your response to the Kickstarter, which far surpassed any guess I had about our success. Cover generously with the fact that I'm allowed to actually participate in the structuring of the game (!!!). Let simmer for about a year. Makes five servings of me being speechless.

Thank you all from the bottom of my 5.

Now stand back, we're just getting started!



You did this.

You, with your dreams, beliefs, and ultimately, your faith in us - you did this.

For that I am so grateful.

There aren't words I have immediate access to that can adequately describe this experience. Our greatest fear was that you wouldn't be there, breathing life into this project. We were absolutely afraid of hitting the "Submit" button and not knowing if you'd be there - but you were.

It's been almost a year since we've last been together as a community. Yet somehow despite all the obstacles, the improbabilities, the passing of time - here we are again - and with new kindred souls to join us in this experience - and for that, I am thankful.

This is the part where we say, "I dare to dream." This is the part where we say, "Yes, we're going to make our dreams a reality." This is the part where we say "Yes, we can do this."

This is the part where we begin that journey.

I'm looking forward to the journey ahead and I am so glad and thankful to have all of you here, again.

Are we home yet? Soon™

Thank you,


Fanterview: Geekanomicon

Name or your preferred online alias
Mike or Geekanomicon (pewlagon), my YouTube channel name (Link)

What do you for work in real life?
Writer for what I call my Top Secret Project.

What is your favorite food?
Chicken Wings, but not the five alarm type. I prefer the stinky garlic kind.

Favorite movies?
Ghostbusters, Zombieland, Big Trouble in Little China, How to Train Your Dragon, Under the Red Hood

Any big events in your life this year you want to give a shout out about?
As I mentioned I am working on a Top Secret Project. This, actually, came about because of the City of Heroes shut down. My head started spinning with concepts that had no place to go. Thus, I created one. Don’t worry it’s not an MMO, but rather a long term book series.

How did you first hear about Missing Worlds Media (MWM) and their first MMO project?
I have been an active supporter of what was once dubbed Plan Z on the City of Heroes forums. I have been following MWM very closely and have been supporting them with News Updates, whenever my time permits, via my YouTube Channel. (That’s Geekanomicon or pewlagon on YouTube… Shameless plug.)

What would boundaries do you think MWM can push with their first MMO project?
There is a lot that can be explored. I always heard, from the devs at Paragon Studios, that the coding for the game was like a massive tangle that was difficult to add to. Being able to design an MMO from the ground up, and knowing the struggles that came before, will help MWM make a game that can be just as flexible for the developers as it is the players. Other than that, I hope they can find a way to expand upon their lore and make a truly immersive experience where whatever the player does has a definitive impact on the world they are striving to protect or dominate.

Why do you think people should support the Kickstarter campaign for MWM’s first MMO project?
I have been playing Video Games and MMOs since their very beginnings. In that time I have never seen a community grow to the point where this type of project has gotten off the ground. The passion that is there and the sense of family within our community brings up all sorts of warm fuzzies when I look back on where MWM came from. And i think I just hit upon why it should be supported; we are a family that wants a home. And not just any home, one where we can invite others to come and play.

The Kickstarter finally launched! Yay! Were you excited to see it finally go up?
Heck yeah! I had been waiting to be part of the hype machine!

What was your reaction to seeing the KS campaign explode in the first three days?
Unbelievable! When I first saw the goal I was a little shocked, but then I saw how quickly the numbers were rising and I knew it would go beyond quickly. I think I refreshed that page at least five times an hour while working on my computer.

Where do you think the campaign is likely to finish at?
I don’t want to jinx anything, but I will say that those first three Stretch Goals are very obtainable at this point. Mac users, on City of Heroes, were always left a little behind. I’d love to see them get a version at Launch.

I know we’ve leaked very little so far about the game, City of Titans, but what are things you’d like to know about?
Energy/Endurance. I’d like to know a little about how powers consume and regain their source pool. One thing I will mention, I loved how simple CoH was and because of how subtle things were immersion was barely broken there. In Champions, you have to block to build up your resource pool, which is very immersion breaking for me. I’d just like to see if immersion is being taken into consideration, at least with regard to powers.

Did you read Cube’s update about instanced content? If so, what do you think about the plans for an immersive environment experience? Link
I did and that brings me back to immersion. I’m ok with utilizing the environment for effect as long as my character’s power don’t need to rely on it. “Unless” it’s part of the mission to utilize an object or smash something up, like the Respec Task Forces in CoH where you had to grab a coolant weapon to freeze the reactor. Something more dynamic along those lines would be awesome!

What will be the first thing you do in Titan City when the game launches?
Badge Hunting! I got into YouTube to support City of Heroes and the Badging community. After our first year we scrapped and relaunched (seriously, those vids were aweful.) Sadly, the week we relaunched was the very week of the closure announcement. My little badging team is chomping at the bit in anticipation of grabbing badges and putting content up as soon as we have access.

What draws you to badging in game? Is it having to achieve a specific accomplishment?I never got into Pokemon, but I have a feeling the same type of mentality goes into badging. “I gotta have em all.” For me it’s all about, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, grinding away at specific combinations to get the elusive badge that ties them all together.

How could you not get into Pokemon?
I fell behind, quickly with no hope of catching up. I do enjoy watching people LP Pokemon, though. Heh! I’m one where if I can’t play the first game I really can’t get into the new ones.

Do you PvP at all?Uhg! PvP and me… Very rarely. I’m the type that feels guilty if I beat someone or gives up too quickly when confronted with marginal skill. I enjoy watching PvP, but participating is something I avoid. I looooove watching League of Legends and DOTA2 matches, for instance, but hardly play. At this time I’d like to shout out to Hitstreak and Riot! Jinx rocks!

Would you get into PvP minigames, however? Like PvP soccer or PvP Capture The Flag?
Yes. One thing about WoW, that I like, is how they handle PvP on non-PvP servers. Que up for the instance and go. Once it’s over it’s over. I never had to worry about being ambushed there unless I was in the mini-PvP game. I loved Alterac Valley!

To turn the tables a bit - what questions do you have MWM?
I do things in threes, it’s a theme number for me so how about three questions…
As a journalist, and someone that’s worked in the industry, I understand if you must remain silent on some of the answers until a later date. *wink nudge*

1) City of Heroes stuck with a Five Wheel Origin setup. Will there be specific origin types (ala technology, magic, mutation..) or will we be just designating our origins in our bio pages?

2) Will powers level up with our characters or on their own?

3) In City of Heroes we had factions (like the Hellions) that really didn’t get any type of Late Game showcase. Are there factions like this and, if so, can demand be generated to give them a bigger story arc if the players like them enough?

Do your alts have ever have ‘in combat’ attire and ‘out of combat’ attire?
Hmmm… One character, we created, did have an outfit for every occasion, but most were ready to fight at a moment’s notice. The whole hidden identity thing never seemed to fit our concepts. This is shocking for me, as I write it, because I grew up with comics and that was normal in those pages, but when given the chance I threw it out the window and I just now realized it. LOL.

What is your favorite super power and why?Dual Blades. I lost a dear friend to Leukemia several years back. She and I came to City of Heroes from Everquest. She had always wanted a Dual Blade Shadow Knight. This was not really possible in either game until CoH launched the power set. On that day I made a character in homage to her Everquest character Dual Blade/Shadow Armor. And, yes, I struggled with the defensive set, but I made it work, by gosh!

What do you think defines a hero (or a villain?)
Selflessness. A true hero acts to better the people around them without really worrying about their own personal well being.

How do you feel about the trend of villains who were really good guys but just went about it the wrong way?Unlike many readers of comics I like giving these villains chances to redeem themselves. Everybody loves Rogue, now, but she was initially a villain. I think it’s wrong to say people can’t change, if given the chance. (I’m looking at you Marvel, I liked Juggernaut’s redemption!) Tragedy does happen, though, and sometimes that step into the shadows just can’t be erased. In these instance the lore should be a bit heavy so you can see the fall of the character. The emotional investment will have the players craving more.

If you had them, do you think having super powers would be a blessing or a burden?A mixture of both. There’s an episode of Green Lantern: The Animated Series where Guy Gardner has a Heart-to-Heart with Hal about it. Basically, it’s great to be the hero, but kiss any hope of a normal social life goodbye.

Have you witnessed any acts of heroism lately that have inspired you?
Yes. Being part of this community I have seen countless individuals step up to help where it’s needed. I’ve seen people reaching out for help with loved ones who aren’t doing well and then I see the immediate response of well wishes and help sent which is why, above all, I want to see this game succeed. Charity has always been a part of the CoH community and a definite strength.

What is your favorite quote?
You told me once to start impressing you, General. I hope I have.” -Bigwig, Watership Down


We came, we saw, we kicked it’s [ceonsored]!” -Peter Vinkman, Ghostbusters

In the fight between chocolate and bacon who would win - and why?
Three words, “Chocolate Covered Bacon.” YUM!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thank You! (#3)

Steve "Minotaur" Dannell, forum mod and prospective QA person

I'm just amazed at the amount of money that has come in and the speed it arrived. Seeing a load of people I played CoH with, some of the old Paragon people and some people who I know never played the game among the list of donors is wonderful. Hoping for a long trip up the stretch goal mountain too as there are lots of exciting things to be found there.

Now the real work starts, we will have the tools we need and need to create a world that will excite and make sure people feel their money has been well spent. If we can create a framework for a wonderful community as CoH did, only then will I truly feel we have accomplished our goal.

Thank you so much for your support

Jack "Olantern" Snyder, Staff Writer

I'm ... awed? Overjoyed? Astonished? Delighted? Well, I'm definitely at a loss for words!

Thank you, from the uttermost depths of my heart. Your outpouring of support over the past week has humbled me, inspired me, and thrilled me. I arrived home less than a week ago Tuesday night, exhausted from a disappointing week of work on my day job, to discover the Kickstarter alive and numbers rapidly climbing. It was like a breath of oxygen on a high mountaintop. With my fellow Staff writers, I watched the first several hours obsessively, like an excited family huddled around a tiny TV screen watching a premiere in the old days.

Exciting as that was, it was nowhere near as thrilling as seeing us reach our goal today. Much as writing for the project is a labor of love to me, it's wonderful to see someone else have faith in it, too. A prominent literary agent once said that within every writer is an artist, who writes for the pure joy of creation, and an entertainer, who writes to feel the adulation of being read and appreciated. It's a profoundly warming feeling to have my inner entertainer validated a little!

But reaching this milestone isn't really about me. It's about you, the City of Titans community. Your enthusiasm, loyalty, and faith made this moment possible. We will do everything we can in the coming weeks, months, and years to fulfill the trust you've placed in us.




Ryan 'KelpPlankton' Gioia, 3D Artist and Animator.

This is really crazy how fast everyone's come together to support us. I'd particularly like to extend a thanks to the former City of Heroes developers who've not only supported us via the Kickstarter, but also helped get the word out about City of Titans. A game like this is something I've always wanted to see get made, and the opportunity to be part of helping it come together is something I'd never pass up, so it's nice to see so many other people feel the same way! I'm just as excited to play the game as anyone else.

Now I just need to figure out how to blackmail the team into having water powers ready by launch...


Christopher "Roadkill" Denny - Foley Artist/Audio Engineer

Wow! Wow wow wow wow wow WOW!!!! What's that again? 5...6 days and we reached our goal?!
What a community!!!
Hang on a second

*Wipes one manly tear from face*
You guys are the absolute best!!! You guys also deserve the very best, and that's what I aim to provide for you guys! At the beginning of the kickstarter I was scared "what if we don't reach our goal?" Well, ladies and gentlemen, you've done it! Now I know the next part isn't so fun for you guys - Waiting - Waiting for the game to arrive, waiting for your financial efforts to pay off, but it will SO be worth it! Thank you all, from the very bottom of my heart for everything!!!

It wasn't that long ago I was reading up on gaming news and came across an article describing the goals of the Phoenix Project and made the decision to join the team, now here we are - I'm rambling...Seriously, all, I'm in awe here, I can not thank you enough!

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!
Michele "Quantumhero" Alexander-Sichelle - Marketing Researcher


This project is a labor of love, blood, sweat, and tears for all of us. We vowed to create a new home for a very special community and welcome all new members with open arms.

It will take time and a lot more effort to do this right...but thanks to you we can fulfill the parting words of Paragon studios and "fly free".

Welcome home.