Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday: July 20

Weekly Update!

This week, we continue our Dev Spotlight series focusing on everyone's favorite dubious physician, Doctor  Tyche. Check out the interview here:

And as always, join us in our discussion at this thread: 

Forum Round-Up!

A...female...Thor? I'm having flashbacks to Marvel Manga, here. Discuss this interesting news at this thread:

Do you like silly characters? Better yet, do you /play/ silly characters? Toss your ideas, or have a good laugh at some others brought to us by Criminus! 

Teleport! One of the most awesome powers out there (says Hiro) but so tough to do mechanics-wise. Kamikaze shares some ideas in this thread. Discuss them and add your own! 

Video of the Week!

Do you like Star Wars? Do you like Jon Stewart and/or Stephen Colbert? Do you like helping starving kids? Would you like a role in the new Star Wars movie? If you answered "YES!!!" to any or all of the above, WATCH THIS VIDEO.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday: July 13

Ladies and gentlemen and non-binary gendered lifeforms from across the galaxy, welcome to your (late-ish) Sunday recap

Weekly Update

As the world recovers from the Soccerball Championships, many of us remain hard at work (or hard at not-working). This week, for your reading pleasure, we give you a look into some lore, with Tales from the Underworld: One Night in Charleston! 

After you give it a read, head on over to the forum to discuss, and also see if you can spy the special little surprise left by one of our favorite physicians...

Around the Forums

Here's what we've been talking about this week!

City of Heroes is considered a classic game by...well, most all of us. But what, specifically, made it so special, so /fun/ for you? Empyrean kicks us off with a discussion here! 

One thing that so few games have been able to properly replicate? SG/VG Bases! What are some ideas to make them more than a place for amazing RP and talent to be shown off? Lord Nightmare shares a few ideas here:

With July 4th out of the way, many people are starting to look forward to Christmas! And who can blame them? Everyone just loves receiving gifts! But should we be able to send our special friends some electronic tokens of our effection? Er. Affection? syntaxerror37 poses such a question in this thread! 

Hiro's Video of the Week!

BuzzFeed teaches us some crazy facial facts. Time to go measure my nose... Enjoy!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday: July 6

What a crazy few weeks it's been for all of us here at MWM and the City of Titans team! Vacations, rock music, rain, mud, and lots and lots of hard work! What have we been doing since last we updated you?


Check out a short version of our new Glossary, wherein we explain some terms you're going to be hearing a lot more of! Mole Men, Martians, EPIC MONSTER BOSSES, oh my! 

We also had a special announcement from our very own Warcabbit, just in time for a very special day. Take a look here:

And feel free to send lots of compliments here:

Around the Forums

Up for some good spoooooky RP? Check out "A Wee Bit of Ghost Hunting" brought to us by D-Pad:

Should Villains be Valued or Mocked and Beat Up Relentlessly? Check out a very interesting discussion regarding both morals, treatment of others, and game mechanics all started by "desviper" over here:

A Hiro-ic Thank You

I wanted to take a moment to thank all of our active community members for being so diligent pointing out attacking NEMESIS spam-bots. It really makes our jobs a lot easier. While I'm told I don't have the power to make any promises, I'm going to disregard that and make each of you a promise! For everyone that reports a spam-bot, I, Hiro of house Antagonist, will give you one (1) FREE THIRTY (30) seconds of game time on release!!! [Ed. Hiro can't actually do this, please ignore him, he's been exposed to the sun way too much this month.] [Shadow: I blame myself actually. This is clearly the strain of managing the last week and a half without the balm of my presence]

Video of the Week

What else could it be? Happy Birthday, America!