Monday, July 1, 2013

The Phoenix Project Update: Monday, July 1, 2013

Missing Worlds Media Presents
The Phoenix Project Update
July 1st, 2013

We are at present just over two months before the planned for beginning of our Kickstarter. One of the biggest questions we have been given has been asking us what our planned for perks are, so this week we decided to give you the planned for list. Yes, this is a blatant solicitation of feedback, so we can tweak and refine the list before we launch the Kickstarter.

Armchair Hero
$1 - An emailed thank you letter including special desktop wallpaper featuring Missing World Media artwork

Construction Crew
$10 - A physically mailed thank you letter + Name included in game at a special commemorative wall

$15 - City Map physically mailed to you (guaranteed within continental US; discuss for foreign mailing, includes Construction Crew)

$25 - Digital Copy of finished game, including one month VIP subscription, plus 3 day headstart access to finished game (includes Tourist perk)

Neighborhood Watch
$35 - Special Kickstarter in-game character badge and title + a badge included in the mail with your map of the city. Opportunity to reserve your global name a week before the Avatar Builder is out. (includes Resident perks)

$50 - Enrollment in closed beta & Missing Worlds Media exclusive Kickstarter costume set - The costume is unique, only to be released to KS donors. Ever. (includes Neighborhood Watch perks)

Fly Free!
$50 - Prestige travel power - unique to KS donors (includes Neighborhood Watch perks)

First Responder
$60 - A Missing Worlds Media t-shirt (limited 100 - includes Deputized)

Super Deputy
$75 - As Deputized, plus the travel power in Fly Free! Also includes a one month gift subscription (with associated digital download) to give to a friend

Dynamic Duo
$75 - Copy of finished game autographed by the developers, including three months VIP subscription, in addition to any copies from included lower tier perks. (includes either Fly Free or Deputized, your choice)

City Councilman
$100 - Name one of the citizens of Titan City, and use the costume creator to design his look (with help from one of our artists). He will be seen doing his thing around town! (limited to 50 - includes Super Deputy)

$150 - Name and design a costumed NPC to hang out in the Supers’ night club, Titan City Gym, or other locations (yet to be named), or to include in random missions in-game, per your choice. Includes a Missing Worlds Media t-shirt. (limit 50 - includes Super Deputy)

Iconic Champion
$250 - Your Chest Emblem In The Game: Work with one of our artists to incorporate your custom chest symbol into our game's character creator. Includes a Missing Worlds Media t-shirt signed by the development team and a one-off t-shirt incorporating your logo (limit 30 - includes Super Deputy)

$500 - 11x17 poster of your character, made and signed by the artist and core development team (limited to 20, includes Super Deputy)
Inside Man (I know a guy who knows a guy)

$500 - Name and help design major NPC contact in the game (limited to 20 - must be approved, includes Super Deputy)
Nightclub Owner

$ 750 - Name and design the Supers’ Night Club NPC owner (with approval), and can uniquely use the Nightclub’s exclusive VIP room (as a living space or super base) (limit 1, includes Super Deputy)

Head Personal Trainer
$750 - Name the Titan City Gym’s owner and design the NPC’s look (with approval), and can uniquely use its private training rooms and office to use as living spaces or a super base. (limit 1, includes Super Deputy)

$1,000 - A Statue in-game, complete with history plaque, for a character you design (limited to 25 - must be approved, includes Super Deputy)

$1,500 - Glorious skyscraper named after you (or as you choose, pending approval), and gain the building’s penthouse as a unique living space or super base.(limited to 10, includes Super Deputy)

There Can Be Only One!
$2,500 - Design yourself a custom weapon or prop which is exclusively yours in-game in partnership with our talented artists. You have the option of granting access to this to others of your choosing. (limited to 20, includes Super Deputy)

$2,500 - Design a custom costume texture to your specifications to be available in the game, which is yours in the game in partnership with our talented artists. List includes gloves, boots, belt, pants, shirt, cape, and mask. You have the option of granting access to this to others of your choosing. (limited 15, includes Iconic Champion and Super Deputy)

One of a Kind
$5,000 - Design a custom costume texture to your specifications to be available in the game, exclusively for your characters. List includes gloves, boots, belt , pants, shirt, cape, and mask,with the addition of a custom weapon or prop which is exclusively yours in-game. You have the option of granting access to this to others of your choosing. (limited to 5, includes Iconic Champion and Super Deputy)

Saturday Morning Hero
$7,500 - You design a custom animation suite for your powers to be available in the game. (limited to 2, includes Super Deputy)

Key to the City
$10,000 - Your character is famous throughout the city. Everyone knows your character, with billboards up celebrating or condemning your exploits. Regular news broadcasts will include your character. You get a unique base location within a major city building. Your custom logo will be used on spotlights throughout the city to signal you for special beta-test missions before other people have access. You also have access to the developer lounge, the hangout for the developers and GMs within the game. (limit 1, includes Immortalized and One of a Kind)

Heroes’ Feast
$10,000 - Have dinner with the developers. We’ll fly you to meet the developers, followed by a tasty dinner and a LAN party exclusive Alpha test. We will even be sending you home with a box of swag. (limited to 8, includes Super Deputy)

Now, this is all being targeted with our initial budget in mind. If we run out of things rapidly, we have more options to add as we go on as well.

Some people have asked for a lifetime VIP, but due to Kickstarters rules this is not an option. Others have mentioned wanting more in-hand items, and while we would love to, the cost of manufacture and shipping is quite prohibitive for all but the simplest of items. So instead our focus has been on unique in-game elements, things which do not impact the game itself, but are nice perks and a sign to go "I was here first." The pre-order prestige sprints, PowerSlide, the Arachnos cape, the VIP badge, those were how CoH handled things. We are going a step further, giving people options to make an impact on the world itself.

In the end, this game is being designed for you, to be enjoyed by you. There is that little extra spring in your step when you step into a world where you know that statue, plaque or memorial was put there by people playing with you. And that is why we've taken this approach to our Kickstarter. Every one of you is important to us, and we want to let those who help bring this dream to life be remembered for it.


  1. Awesome. Cannot wait for this game! I'm going to donate!!

  2. So I am wondering if you have any screenshots or some sort of idea to present of what your game will look like? I do not see anything like that on your site? Heroes and Villains has a short teaser video...

  3. so if i do City Councilman, do i also get Super Deputy, which means i get Deputized, which means i get Neighborhood Watch, which means i get Resident, which means i get Tourist perk, which means i get Construction Crew?? i get them all??

  4. I was wondering when I would see a Kickstarter!
    I will be buying as much as I can every time I can to get this going!

    I freakin miss this game sooo much! I hope there will be a nod to CoH/V

    Please do not make the same mistake as those projects that failed/failing due to underbidding the amount they needed. This needs to be done right so plan for that and add a bit more to cover whatever comes up.
