Here it is, ladies and gentlemen.
This very Friday, we're sending our first Kickstarter Survey out. We made it ourselves. Well, with some help from a commercial shopping cart.
Now, if you didn't have a Perk level that contained an add-on, like the ones that contained the Phoenix Pet, or if you didn't put in extra money for an add-on, before the Kickstarter ended, you're not going to get this survey. That's All Your Base or above.
We want to make this very clear. We're only picking out the digital add-ons and purchasing the physical ones, in this survey. We're not asking you for the information we need to make the digital add-ons or perks work. That'll be for a second survey, once we're much closer to completion.
And there is a limited time to complete this survey. It'll be in the letter. End of February. Why? Because we have to order the T-Shirts and so on, and we're doing it in bulk, and we have to put the order in at some point.
I know, so many of you want to buy more, and we love you for it. But there's two things. First, of course, we need to have a functioning web store. We don't, yet, mostly because our coders have been focusing on our engine. Secondly, we kind of want to be sure we're going to have some product for you before we start going back to pitching for more money. Much as we want to roll around in it, swim in it, toss it up and let it hit us on the head... sorry, went a little Carl Barks there.
Keep an eye on your spam filters, okay? If you don't get the email by Monday, and you think you should, again, message us, we'll check the list. We know exactly how much money we got from each and every one of you.
This update is going to be mostly the same as the letter for the survey, except that'll have your user name and password in it. It can't have your amount of credit, that'll be in a second email. If you have a problem with the survey, we're listening. Just message us here, or send an email to
Okay, instructions starting below. Ready?
Welcome to the City of Titans Perks Survey!
This is our first survey, but it's not going to be our last.
Today, we're just taking care of figuring out exactly what you bought, including the T-Shirt sizes.
We're going to order the physical perks, but taking care of the digital perks will wait till we're ready to put them in the game.
(But remember, we do want to get all these hats and shirts ordered, so spend your credit before Feb 28th, 2013!)
Your login ID is the e-mail address where you got this email.
Your new password is: ******
Just click on and you'll see this screen:
Log in, and you'll see this screen
You'll notice there's a reminder in the middle, about how some pledge levels got perks thrown in. If you were one of those people, we've added the credit value to your cart as well. To remind you, it's the following:
People who pledged All Your Base and above get a T-Shirt, Lanyard, and Mousepad as well as the Phoenix Pet. ($80 total). People who pledged I Know A Guy and above get that, plus an Instant Sidekick ($110, total).
People who pledged Fashionista and above get Iconic, Everything is Better in Plaid, It Must Be A Sign, as well ($610 total).
You're not limited to those choices, though. You've got credit, spend it however you wish.
Go and click on the link on the right (The arrow in the picture's pointing at it), and go shopping.
Selected everything you want? (Don't forget, if you choose a shirt, you can choose your size)
You've filled up your cart?
Follow the arrow and go to Checkout.
You'll see your address.
You can also put in any special comments you want at the bottom about shipping. Only shipping related comments there, please.
Check to make sure it's right, that's where we're shipping everything!
Then go to the next screen. This is where you actually spend the money. You can also put in any special comments you want at the bottom. Remember, we're just finding out what digital perks you bought. We'll send a second survey later for more information about the details.
Notice your total is listed, and your total balance is listed. Click on 'Continue Checkout' to spend that money!
Step Three of Three! Time to make sure your address is right, what you ordered is the right size and right quantity, and any special shipping instructions are in. Everything gets free shipping, we baked that into the cost of the products.
See that 'Confirm The Order' button? Click it when you're ready.
Okay, final screen. This one shows you everything went through, your order number, and if you have any credit remaining. If you share this computer, be sure to log off when you're done.
For help with any of our online services, please email our special Perks address. . We're waiting and watching!
Warcabbit, Shard, and the City of Titans Family.
shouldn't things with ids and passwords always start with an httpS:// to prevent password sniffers/snoopers?