Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday: May 4th

Current News

This week's update was from our Composition team and it was all about the writing process for City of Titans.

You can check out the announcement here:
Discussion thread:

We are also currently working on (manually) going through the Kickstarter Backer list and correctly flagging their forum handles as such. We had looked at a module that could do this for us but it apparently had a Zod complex and was banished to the Phantom Zone - so we are doing it by hand.

Like the Florida ballot counting.

So, if you supported us on our Kickstarter Campaign and pledged enough to receive the Kickstarter forum title/badge and you used a different email address to register for the forums - first off; damn you. Secondly, send me an email at with your name,  your City of Titans forum handle, and the email address you used for our Kickstarter campaign.

Follow the thread here:

Forum Posts
Would you like an arm or a leg made of fire, gas, or water? Discuss that idea on Silent Sillo's thread.
Desviper's thread on the difference between enhancements & boosts vs upgrades
RottenLuck's very poignant reminder of why we need to embrace new players and help them along.

From Around the Web

An artificial leaf that produces energy by splitting hydrogen in oxygen while inside a glass of water? What the what?


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